(Fixed Length)
Prospective applicant
The MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology is world-class research institute dedicated to understanding important biological processes at the level of atoms, molecules, cells and organisms, with focus on difficult, long-term research problems.
Founded by Max Perutz with the support of the Medical Research Council in 1947, the LMB is one of the birth places of Molecular Biology. Work by LMB scientists has been awarded 12 Nobel Prizes has made revolutionary contributions to science, pioneering many techniques including: DNA sequencing, the development of monoclonal antibodies, and 3D structure determination.
The LMB International PhD programme offers 4-year competitive studentships, fully funded by the Medical Research Council to eligible successful applicants, to engage in full time research. The LMB provides a collaborative and resource-sharing environment with state of the art facilities. We are the heart of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.