Trinity College

Krishnan-Ang Studentship for Overseas Students in the Natural Sciences

~ £62,997 (annual)
Fees (International) , Maintenance , Student visa cost , Student immigration health surcharge , Other (see below)
Course length
Prospective applicant
Full Time, Part Time
Same as funding deadline for the course
March - April


Krishnan-Ang Studentships are intended to support outstanding Overseas candidates who wish to undertake a PhD in Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge.

Krishnan-Ang Studentships are funded by generous donations from Eashwar Viswanathan Krishnan and Tzo Tze Ang who were both undergraduates at Trinity College: Eashwar read Natural Sciences (Matric. 1996) and Tzo Tze read Electrical & Information Sciences (Matric. 1997).

Award details

~ £62,997 (annual)
Course length
Fees (International) Maintenance Student visa cost Student immigration health surcharge Other (see below)

Successful applicants will receive a Research Scholarship Emolument of £450 per annum for three years.

Also covers the cost of a return ticket from the country of origin to the United Kingdom.

Academic merit

Successful applicants may be contacted during their course by Trinity's Alumni Relations and Development Office to ask for a short account on their progress and experience at Trinity for the purpose of reporting to the donors of this award.


Prospective applicant
Full Time Part Time
48 departments/schools, See full list
Department / School
Trinity College

PhD in Natural Sciences.

Application Process


Key dates

Same as funding deadline for the course
March - April